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Sunday 2 December 2018

Game Of The Month: Farcry 2

This months game of the month is Farcry2. Often considered the best game in the series, Farcry2 was an innovator of world design with a world that holds up even to this very day and is often sited as an example for how to build a believable and engaging world. It also has one of the most unique openings to a game I can think of. You begin the game in a cab headed for a hotel. You plan to assassinate the famous arms dealer know only as 'The Jackal'. However, before you reach the hotel, you get bitten by a mosquito, and are infected with malaria. You then awake in a hotel room with the very man you were sent to kill staring you in the face. This sets the tone for the entire game and effectively presents the main antagonist to the player. The game also has the forgotten but great amBX feature, allowing for amBX compatible devices to take in game scenarios and parallel them in the real world (changing local lighting conditions, causing vibrations and wind etc). This system has seemingly been forgotten about, but defiantly makes the experience more unique if you can track down any amBX compatible products. Overall, this game is a brilliant sandbox shooter that allows you to deal with any situation in the way you want within a beautiful and well designed world full of interesting content. As an added bonus, it almost runs on any device, so you won't have to worry about investing in a gaming pc. I would recommend this experience to anyone who fancies a long and deeply engaging game with gritty realism to play for a while. Stay tuned for next months game of the month!

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