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Sunday 31 March 2019

Mario Kart themed can holder!

A simple little can holder with a Mario kart theme. Click here to find out more!

Oh, and all of my previous projects now work correctly when used with the file found in the links all over the site. The file works with every single one so you don't need multiple.

Sunday 3 March 2019

Space Jail (HL1 Map)

I got bored, so I decided to make a small map based in everyone's favourite place, space. What does everyone dislike? Jail. So why not combine the two? Features a whole private prison island made to hold 1 whole prisoner. Experience the frills of being eternally stuck on an island in space, including but not limited to:
  • Excreting
  • Sleeping
  • Dying
  • *Opening Food Crates
  • Watching alien life
  • Interacting with lights
*Crates may not include food or open

Some say the prison was designed for a certain someone who observed a spectacle they should never have witnessed...