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Friday, 29 December 2017

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Switch Case

More switch cases. This time Xenoblade chronicles 2 themed. As always, the link is down below. Base model (still) by nikki_the_gryphon. Enjoy!

 Download Switch Case

Doom Themed Switch Case

Here's yet another Nintendo Switch case cover. This time it's Doom themed. Download link below! The base model was made by nikki_the_gryphon, go check his stuff out!
 Download the switch case!

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Improvised Housing 3D Print

Ever needed something oddly specific on the internet and can't seem to find it anywhere? I found my self in such a situation. I needed 3D printable improvised housing, yet all I could find was expensive game models and maps. Giving up on trying to find a solution on the internet, I made my own. the following is a link to the creation I came up with. Its pretty bad...

 download the questionable housing
Oh yeah, it is miniature, not actually life sized.  

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Light Sword Game

I am working on a new game for the BBC microbit. The objective is to position your light sword correctly to deflect incoming lasers. Should be finished soon...

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Frost/Fire Salts In Real Life

Sticking with the Skyrim theme, I am trying to make a real life version of Skyrim's frost/fire salts. It is basically just white powder in a wicker bowl with a blue glow-in the dark substance added to it for frost salts and yellow substance added for fire salts . I will post the end results here. if successful, I will make a guide on how to make the salts for yourself.

^Frost Salts                                                                                  ^Fire Salts

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Skyrim Themed Switch Cover

To celebrate the Switch release of Skyrim, I have made this Switch cover. As always, the download is available below. The original Switch cover model was made by nikki_the_gryphon. Enjoy!

 Download Switch Case

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Mario Odyssey Switch Cover

Here's another Nintendo Switch cover! This time it is Super Mario Odyssey themed. Art work is form Nintendo, and original switch cover from nikki_the_gryphon. Download link is available below.

 Download Here

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Hitman Themed Bottle Opener

After playing Hitman for a while I came up with this little bottle opener. It has a Hitman logo embossed in it. Please note that this is not an official product (obviously). Enjoy!

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Half Life Deathmatch Server

Look out for our new Half Life Deathmatch server, HLDS in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!

Saturday, 30 September 2017

Nintendo Switch Cover

I have made a Mario themed Nintendo Switch cover. I got the model from nikki_the_gryphon (click to see his stuff) and embossed a Mario mushroom sprite onto it. You can download it below:

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Switch anti-scratch back

I am working on an anti-scratch back for the Nintendo Switch.  It will be a small, smooth piece of plastic that you can stick to the back of the switch or slide in with it. It ensures that the back of the switch won't be scratched when placing it in the dock. It will be available soon...

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

GMOD Workshop

I finally got a gmod map on the workshop. It isn't anything new, just a test map. But this means you can now play multiplayer games on my maps and download them via steam. You can expect more maps from now on. I have the hammer editor figured out now so my projects will be getting more advanced. My plan is to finish up the Blood Arena map as I wanted it to be. It will be available as soon as it's done...

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Nuka-Cola Holder (Finished)

I have finished the drinks holder, and have a complete model. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the physical holder, due to the fact it printed in clear plastic which makes it hard to see on photographs. However, below is a picture of the model. The holder can easily hold two cans at once. You can resize it to contain as many can as you would like. When printing this model using the download, invert the model so the 'holder' part of the holder is face down. For the holder to stick to a table (or wherever else you choose to place it), you will need to apply double sided adhesive pads to the underside of the overhanging piece of plastic (alternatively you could stick a ring of strong tape to the bottom). Enjoy!

 Click here for model!

Monday, 28 August 2017

Nuka-Cola Holder

I have been working on a box that you can attach to a desk. The box has an open top for storing bottles/cans. I decided to go with the Nuka-Cola theme because who doesn't love fallout? I will have a printed model and the file for download up very soon. You may have to re-scale it a bit to fit your suiting and a double sided adhesive pad is required for it to stick properly.

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Half life opposing forces server

I love half life opposing forces. In my opinion, it's the second best half life game ( after half life 2 ). One of the things that separated it from the other half life games was the unique mechanic of having a team to aid you during your journey. Utilising their skills was the key to advancing. I also enjoyed all the unique weapons the game had to offer. In my opinion, the game has the best line up of weapon in the entire series.

These weapons could be mastered and put to use in the great multiplayer. Unfortunately, the amount  servers available are tiny compared to what it once was. I hope to host a server that anyone still interested in playing multiplayer can join. I will probably add bots to play against when no one is on. This may take some time however...

Slow motion Android

I decided to write a quick guide about how  to get your android devise to run animations in slow ( or fast ) motion.

Firstly, you have to enable developer mode on your android device. To do this, go to about device, then scroll down to build number. Then tap it until it says that developer mode is available. ( if you do the same to the Android version box, it will start a hidden game depending on your android version)

Once you have done that, go back to the options menu. You will noticed that a new option is available. Select developer options and scroll down to the animation scale options. Increasing the number here will make animations run slower, while decreasing them will make it run quicker.


Enjoy your slow motion phone...

Monday, 31 July 2017

Half Life Two Arena

I decided to start work on a simple arena map. Contestants go to one of the two cubicles and spawn there NPCs (with the option for NPCs to target players off). They then open the door when both sides are ready (from the inside for now, otherwise the NPCs or player will be crushed). This is the alpha version the map, in the future I will add buttons to open the doors, non-full-bright  lighting and probably some railings (although they look off). You can download this early version here:


Saturday, 29 July 2017

Boring Factory Simulator

I have completed the map after 7 failed versions. This is the eight, refined version. That said it is missing lighting, which I thought would make the map *too dark, so I used full bright. If anyone is interested in this, I may make a new version if anyone wants it. Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments. If you would like to upload this to the steam workshop, feel free. I have no idea how to put things on there so it would be nice for this map to get on there some how. This map is for Gmod or Half life 2 as previously stated in an earlier post. It needs to be put in the map file of the game for it to be loaded. The command to use it in Half Life 2 is ' map Factory_V8 ' . Download below and enjoy!

 Get the map here!

Friday, 28 July 2017

Boring Factory Work Simulator (Mod)

I have started work on a VERY simple game. It will be a map that can be run in Garry's mod or Half Life 2. All you have to do is take the items off the conveyor belt and load them into a tray. It will be set in the Half Life 2 universe. There will be a puzzle required to slip past a guard watching you and keeping you on task, and grab a tool that will make work considerably easier. It will be available to down load when finished.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

New Blog! TFmatchmake

I recently made a new blog to help players create a TF2 matchmaking 'team'. Here is the link:

Monday, 10 July 2017

Experimental Script

I have messed around with Half Life 2's code a bit and made a script. This script once executed will set all binds to default and add binds to keys V, B and N. Bellow you can see what they do:

bind "v" "noclip"
bind "b" "sv_cheats 1"
bind "n" "impulse 101"

Bellow is the download to the cfg file:

 Config Download

Once this file is place inside the cfg folder of Half Life 2, typing 'exec spec' into the console will activate it. Check back later for updated scripts!

Fun binds for Half life 2

In my last post I said that I would be making a mod for half life 2. Instead I have decided to just write down some fun console commands to give you full access to everything in Half life 2 (NoClip) as well as let you see the game from a new angle. Here are the binds:

bind g noclip
bind h thirdperson
bind j firstperson
bind k kill

I will be adding more later as well as creating a config file so you do not have to input the commands manually. Enjoy!

New Project!

I have started work on a new project. To be more specific, this project is anouther mod for Half Life 2. It is only a couple of tweaks. It will be available here without the need to download, as it is simply a configuration. The idea is to give the player more freedom to explore how vanilla Half Life 2 (and hopefully any other games that run in the same engine)

Monday, 19 June 2017

Stop The Potato Bomb!

A new Microbit game. In this game, one player hides the Microbit or 'potato'. When they find a good spot to hide it, they press the 'A' button to activate it, indicated by the 'ACTIVE' message. The other player then needs to fins the hidden Microbit and diffuse it by pressing the 'B' button. If they fail to do so within 60 seconds, they lose. You must press the reset button on the Microbit after each round, as some variables keep ticking up despite being invisible to the player. The next version will have a puzzle to solve to diffuse, and should fix the variable thing if a possible. Download link bellow. Simply put the file in your Microbit (make sure to save any files on the Microbit first before removing them and transferring the game, or they may be lost!). Enjoy!

 Download Now! (The game, not a virus)

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Stat Game

A quick game I made for the Microbit. This may already be on here, but here is the download to save you from having to go find it. Press A for single player or B for two player. Try and get the higher stat to win! Download below:

3D Cube Demo

The aim of this Microbit code is to create the illusion of a 3d object. It is currently WIP and will have updated releases on this sight available to download on this site. Shake to start/reset screen, B to move away from the cube, A to turn the cube. Download below:

BBC Microbit Games

I have made a couple of games on a BBC Microbit when I was bored. I am working on a game about producing materials, which will be available in a few days along side my other games. Drag and drop the files you get into the Microbit and you will be able to use them.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Map Viewer

Another experiment. This time I have been fiddling with the menu screen background maps in Half Life 2. I wanted to make a half life into a map explorer, so I changed the back ground into a wall that says map on it (Really creative). I also cleared out all the default maps and replace them with the maps to be "explored". Still in the works, but won't be downloadable anyway. Screen shot hopefully coming soon!

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Game In Progress!

The aforementioned game from a couple of posts ago is now in creation! If it all goes well, it will be released before the end of June. It will be available to download as normal. 😃

[THIS GAME HAS BEEN CANCELLED] The file wouldn't export right and it was fairly boring anyway...

Sunday, 7 May 2017

ROM "Hacking"

Recently, I have had a go at editing some ROMs from games I had played. The results were... colourful. I will be doing some more ambitious edits, starting with changing link.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Video Game Creation

In this post I will go over the process of how I make games, and an easy way to start programming and game creating yourself.

I wanted to create games for a long time. I was really into games and wanted to make a game of my own. At the time I just wanted to create one game that me and my friends could play ; perusing this idea, I went in-search of a programming language I could use. I bought a couple of books on how to program, and most of them stated that python was a good place to start.

So I got Python. I experimented around a bit and completed some of the tutorials in the book. However, I found simply typing in line of code after line of code boring. This lead to me putting down my idea for a little while.

I soon came back, but this time with a better understanding of programming. I had searched around the internet for a while and found a website that promised hundreds of courses in all types of programming languages. Using this website's free courses, I learnt about programming in an engaging way. If you want to learn to program,  I highly suggest a site like this.

After learning the basics of how to program, I set of building a game. This is when I hit my next problem. I could make basic text based adventure games, and a couple of simple "collectathons" but these were nothing like the game I wanted to build. I had a platformer in mind, but the results if the attempts I made were not very encouraging. That is when I discovered the power of game engines. I experimented with a few different ones, until I found one that I like and felt comfortable with. Engines are easy to find on the internet and usually are free or offer a free version.

With both the game engine and basic programming knowledge, I could finally make a game. My games are basic, but are a definite step-up from what I used to make.

Half Life Two : FASTER

This is a continuation of the mod I started working on a while ago. This mod changes weapon availability, player health and walk speed, as well as (eventually) adding weapons dropped from the game back in (such as the S.L.A.M). This mod will not be available to download (due to it being the entire half life 2), however I hope to soon make a mod that will be downloadable. This mod is a sort of warm up for what is to come. Check back again for progress on the new mod, or leave a comment that suggests a new that I should make or a game idea, and I will probably make it.

Monday, 1 May 2017

New Game?

I have been thinking about making (and releasing) a new game. The game in question would be a 3D, third-person platformer. The game would be not very long, but the point of it is to just platform towards the light (and to some good music should I find any). If anyone is interested in a game like this, leave a comment or one up and I will create it once enough interest is raised.  

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Steam Mods!

Hello! I have been working on mods a lot recently and have started to get into modding quite a bit. You can view my Skyrim mods here:

Check back for more later!