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Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Random Number Generator Analysizer Small Basic

I made this program to evaluate how random the Small Basic 'math.getrandomnumber' function really is. It allows the user to input how many cycles they wish to run (try and keep this to under 100000 as past that point you will see serious delays and massive CPU usage) then prints how many times each number from 1 - 10 was picked. I am using this data to try find patterns, particularly any patterns that suggest a pseudorandom algorithm or correlations with other values on the computer. Feel free to use it how you like. You can ignore the check digit, it is for testing purposes. Enjoy and tell me about any interesting patterns you find in the comments bellow!

Monday, 23 September 2019

Fracture backhround HD 1920 * 1080

I put together this simple background. Gives off a strange feeling of depth. Use as you wish and enjoy! (Download image)

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Simple Url-content-grabber

This extremely simple program retrieves html from a target URL. Useful for seeing how a website functions without using a browser. Download it here.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Guess who's back

Figured I would post something. I always wanted to make a game, but when I finally acquired the skills and resources to do so, I couldn't help but be dissatisfied with the games I made. This game is something different from my usual stuff, but if you want to play it, it's right here. V.2 coming soon!    I hope someone actually sees this...

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Sunday, 31 March 2019

Mario Kart themed can holder!

A simple little can holder with a Mario kart theme. Click here to find out more!

Oh, and all of my previous projects now work correctly when used with the file found in the links all over the site. The file works with every single one so you don't need multiple.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Space Jail (HL1 Map)

I got bored, so I decided to make a small map based in everyone's favourite place, space. What does everyone dislike? Jail. So why not combine the two? Features a whole private prison island made to hold 1 whole prisoner. Experience the frills of being eternally stuck on an island in space, including but not limited to:
  • Excreting
  • Sleeping
  • Dying
  • *Opening Food Crates
  • Watching alien life
  • Interacting with lights
*Crates may not include food or open

Some say the prison was designed for a certain someone who observed a spectacle they should never have witnessed...

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Flat Track Gravity Research (BEAMNNG)

I ran the default truck down a flat track (starting from stand-still), decreasing the gravity (starting at -20) by one each time until I reached -5 (past this point cars start to float off track). Here are my results:

From this data I can conclude that gravity has little affect on speed or acceleration on a completely flat track. However, -11 seems to be the optimal gravity here as it took the least amount of time for the car to reach the goal. Come back later for more pointless BeamNG research!

Optimal race gravity (BEAMNG)

I decided to devise a test to find the optimal race gravity in BeamNG. To do this, I ran an automatic Sunbeam (t avoid any anomalous results from occurring due to changes between gear shift times) down a track that contained both up-hill and down-hill sections as well as flat plains to see what gravity had the car come down the fastest and with the less slipping. My results show that, out of all the testes gravities, -12.5 gave me the fastest results. I will perform further testing to confirm this or  to find an even better gravity, so stay tuned!

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Mouse Tremble

This simple application makes your mouse tremble to add an element of challenge to doing anything whether it be playing a game, filling a form or about anything else you need the mouse pointer for. Download here and import code for small basic here: CGX655. Enjoy!