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Friday, 27 April 2018

Half Life: ResearchBaseDelta

I have started work on my most ambitious map yet. After honing my mapping skills over the last couple of years, I am finally going to try make a proper, high quality level. I am trying my best to put all of the things I have learnt to use to make this map the best I can. This map will take a while to finish, so follow this blog (see bottom of homepage for more details) to keep up to date and support me through this project! Here's what I've got so far viewed from the editor:

And here it is in-game:

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Taking FREE Hl1, HL2 And Gmod Map Commissions!

Simply comment down below what you want made, and I will try make it. I will only be able to take one at a time, so when I have finished a map this post will be posted again. Follow this blog to keep up to date!

Current Status: Waiting For Map...

Bridge Busters (Half Life Map)

I put together this simple Half Life map. All you have to do is cross the bridge and press the right button. Go on, do it...

 Do it.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Half Life Siege Survival

I am going to attempt to make the hardest wave survival map ever (without cheap stuff like spawning millions of bosses).

AI Friendly Half Life

I am starting work on a special map designed to be easily traversed by AI. If anyone makes an AI that can traverse the map, please send in a video and it will be featured on the blog. Once the map is finished, a separate post will be made, so stay tuned by following this page (bottom of home page).

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Half Life Siege Simulator Part 2 Complete

Part 2 of Half Life Siege Simulator has been completed. This part goes over the uses of medieval battering rams. As with last time, you can download the 'demo' version of the map below. I plan on making a couple more parts by the end of the week. Enjoy and please leave any feedback you have in the comments!

 Download the map here!

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Half Life Siege Simulator Part 1 Complete

The first of the maps that will make up Half Life Siege Simulator has been finished. The map will be changed after all maps have been completed (mainly to link between maps). To play this little demo of the game, download the map from the link below, and put it in your hl1 map folder if not already there, then open the game and open the console and enter 'map castle_s_ladder'. This map showcases the deploy-able ladder and gives some background information on it. There will be one map on each medical siege device, so stay tuned for more and ultimately, the full release!

 Download the map.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

New game / mod in the works: Half Life Medieval Siege Simulator

I am making a mod for HL1 in which the player can partake in a historically accurate siege. The player's interactions will be basic at first, and there will be no enemies to fight but as time goes on I will add more content like the aforementioned. When I have finished the first build I will make it available for download (for free as always) with instructions on how to install it included, as obviously I cannot just freely distribute a slightly edited copy of Half Life. Stay tuned for updates and the completion of the mod! UPDATE: First part ready in new post.

Sustainable Nerf Gun

Branching out from the norm, I decided to start work on a sustainable battery powered Nerf gun (mainly because I am bored). When society finally collapses like its supposedly doomed to, how are we going to have a Nerf war? All the cool guns run on batteries. I came up with the following solution.

Mount a solar powered battery charger on to a Nerf gun. One set of rechargeable batteries will be in the gun, the other on the outside charging. Then, when the set inside the gun is depleted, swap them out for the ones that were charging. The used up ones get charged and the charged ones get used. The cycle continues. That solution seemed good but it had one flaw. What do we do when the sun goes out? That got me thinking of the alternatives. A saline solution powered battery charger mounted on to the gun. I don't know if such a thing even exists but if not I am going to make it anyway. They would mount to the rail on top of most Nerf guns, and so could be swapped out when light is / is not present. Salt water could be stored to power the charger. Salt could be extracted from... certain substances produced by humans and animals alike so too could water.

The first thing humanity will worry about when society collapses is how they are going to shoot each other with Nerf guns but now they need not threat. You can thank me later...

On a more serious note I am planing on releasing a new game soon so stay tuned! Oh, and on this Nerf gun's completion I will add some pictures and maybe even a video. W O W.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Tenfold Towering Turbine Troubles (Half Life Spinning Prop Example + Tutorial)

I recently purchased J.A.C.K off steam for around £10, and it instantly proved its worth. For those who do not know, J.A.C.K is a Quake 1 2 and 3 and Half Life map editor. It will be familiar to Hammer users and provides a few helpful bonuses too.

This purchase means I have been able to look in to Half Life mapping, so you can expect a lot of half life content coming soon.

The purpose of today's post is to show you how to make a spinning object in Half Life map editors (it is pretty much universal). To start, create the object you want to spin using the block tool. Once you have created your object, select it and press Ctrl + t. This should bring up the object properties menu. There should be a box at the top that says 'func_wall'. Change this to 'func_rotating'. Edit the values in the boxes to change how it behaves. If you want the object to spin upon the map starting go to the flags box and select 'start on'. That should be all that is required.

I have made a demo map based on spinning objects. My map is a room with ten rotors stacked on top of each other vertically. The goal of the player is to reach the top of the rotor tower and press the button without getting killed in the process. Its a map that will require a few tries, after which you should find the correct timing. On completion of the map, you can stand on the second to last rotor and get pushed down 1 layer at a time by the machine. The spinning turbines are all func_rotating objects. Below is the download for the map. You may upload it to the steam workshop somewhere if you want but please credit me and/or leave a link to this website. I hope you learnt what you wanted to find out and enjoyed the demo map if you played it. Have a great day!

 Download the map here.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

CS:GO Framerate Finder

I have created a simple application that allows the user to find there frame rate in CS:GO. When activated, the user must open the in-game console within the next 15 seconds. It will then begin the test, and will show frame-rate, ping and other factors. It will do this ten times before closing. The download is available down below.

 Click here to download the framerate finder.