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Friday, 30 November 2018

Gallium Arrow Head

Despite it being a bad idea, I have made a gallium arrowhead. I simply used the mould pictured bellow (download here) and dipped the shaft of the arrow into the liquid gallium and waited for it to cool. The density of gallium makes it a bad idea to use, but the ease of making the arrows makes up for it (even if they do break after one use normally).

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Simple Paint

I put together this so super painting tool in Microsoft Small Basic. It allows the user to move a brush around the screen in a very rudimentary way. It took very few lines of code, preserving space and therefore keeping the file size down. Download it here. For those of you interested in the code, the import code is 'LHG790'. Hope you can find some use for it. 

^ The tool in action

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Subliminal Stimuli

Just a set of two examples of subliminal stimuli. Perhaps a little too slow to classify as 'subliminal' stimuli but should be useful for a couple of tests. Publishing results from 5 test subjects soon so stay posted! (Both images created by Henstargames, available for use anywhere royalty free.)

^ 'Blink' response.
^ 'Yawn' response.

Test image two is likely going to be more successful in my opinion, leave your guesses in the comment section below!

Monday, 26 November 2018

Simple Small Basic Quiz Example

Import code: ZXZ876
Executable File: DOWNLOAD
This program acts as a simple quiz. Answer the questions correctly or incorrectly and it will say so. Has a little surprise at the end and is fully editable, so you can use it as a template.
Recommended edits: Scoreboard (Easy to add), Local Leader-board (Somewhat tricky to add), User Friendly UI (requires near complete rewrite of program).

Why Article 13 ('Meme Ban') Will Not Be The End Of Memes.

Recently, I have noticed many people getting riled up about the supposed meme banning article 13. While it is an irritating set of restrictions that may damage the internet as we know it, it certainly will not stop meme culture. It's not even in affect yet and people have already devised endless ways to circumvent it such as hand drawing memes, distorting images slightly or using completely copyright free images. Many people have tried to put an end to the mighty meme since the creation of the internet and the first meme, but all have failed (and usually end up becoming a meme for their troubles, much to their dismay). So fear not, the meme will live on for ever. Subscribe to Henstargames to get regular updates on the situation and help me grow this passion project a little. Thank you for reading and may your memes be dank.

Saturday, 17 November 2018


Some of you may of noticed some files hidden in recent posts. These files are part of a new game created here on Henstar's Games. Find the secret hidden within each file through any form of interaction you desire (checking code, running the file and so on); when you have done so, you will know what to do with them. Happy hunting!

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Game Of The Month: Cave Story

Remember game of the month? Well, it's back (for no particular reason)! This month's game is Cave Story. This legendary game was developed over the span of five years by Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya. This metroidvania adventure takes place inside a floating island situated above the earth after a huge war. As the main character Quote (an amnesia-suffering robot), you must try stop the evil doctor from weaponizing the Migma and using them to take over the surface with your trusty weapons and brilliantly tight controls. The story is deep and engaging, the combat easy to pick up but hard to master and above all, it's simply a blast to play. This game is a must play for all metroidvania fans. It has come out on many platforms, including the Nintendo Wii, Switch and 3DS as well as Microsoft Windows and Linux. Stay tuned for next game of the month!

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Nothing here.

Nothing here at all. No obvious secret that you have totally already found, just nothing.